Fooled Again? Shame on Us

Fooled Again? Shame on Us

A Facebook friend of mine has just suggested that Sec of State Pompeo’s assertion that Iran is responsible for yesterday’s attacks on oil tankers is a “Wag the Dog” event. I replied to him that a more apt metaphor would be “false flag.” The same neoCON lunatics that tricked the U.S. into fighting the second War on Iraq (on behalf of a foreign nation) are at it again. I encourage anyone who is opposed to these regime change wars (foisted upon us by BOTH political parties) to simply Google: “Office of Special Plans.” They will quickly discover that we can all thank those “dual citizens” and their Cheney/Rumsfeld enablers for the wasted $6 trillion and tragic 5K fallen American soldiers. I concluded by stating, “You are right to sound the alarms. They’re coming for our wallets and our sons and daughters one more time. Facebook friends, don’t get fooled again!”

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