Serving Our Vets: A Favor Returned

Serving Our Vets: A Favor Returned

I have been involved with helping Veterans in my community for a number of years. On a recent visit to a local Veterans’ Office, I was struck by a famous WWI poster which reads: “The War to End All Wars.” That was made in 1917.

A century later, while many of our Vets are sleeping under bridges, politicians continue to do the same thing over and over again, ginning up for the next war to end all wars, all the while pretending to expect a different result.

Veterans of goodwill have defended; cynical politicians have offended.

One group signs up, either as an act of patriotism or an opportunity for a perceived better life afterward, or both; the other does the bidding of special interests.

What to make of the latest claim by Secretary of State Pompeo about Iran? He and National Security Advisor Bolton are in full-tilt “false-flag-boogie” mode. Of course, anyone who is paying attention knows these two are clowns, the latest neo-con-incarnation of the Bush/Cheney gang who couldn’t shoot straight. However, make no mistake, these two are not only foolish; they are genuinely dangerous. We mustn’t forget the big lie about WMDs.

It worked.

Sadly, we cannot depend on the traditional Fourth Estate to protect us from the avalanche of false claims. Little Boy Bolton cries “Wolf!” And the mainstream pundits breathlessly repeat the assertion as though there was no long history of failure and falsehood attached to the messenger. So periodically we hear about how our so-called “enemies” are behind “attacks” in the Middle East. All debunked afterward, of course, but no matter.

The neoCONs are banking on one Whopper sticking. That’s their meal ticket.

What number will the next war be? I’ve lost track again. Since Afghanistan, I believe the next one will be the ninth. But who even counts anymore? Does anyone even know?

Yes, H.W., your “Vietnam Syndrome” is long gone.

Friends, let’s just say NO to the latest NeoCON propaganda.

Don’t make me produce Advantage Empire II. I want to retire someday!

And please, no more money wasted on regime-change wars in faraway lands; spend it here at home on our Veterans instead.


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